Posts Tagged ‘confession’

Your choice of the thesis statement for your essay on the good life from the famous answer in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever,” is excellent.  However, reflecting on our conversation yesterday, I realized that I was presenting you with a difficult challenge to describe what it means to enjoy God.  Well, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander; so, I thought that I should give it a go.  Let me know what you think.  I hope that it is helpful. Read the rest of this entry »

I messed up.  A few years back, I read all the novels and short stories in the Modern Library edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writings, except the Scarlet Letter. I had read it as a young boy—too early, I will admit, since I had to ask my mother what the letter A was all about.  Still, I reasoned that I knew the plot; so, why read the book again?  Dumb, even dumber.  There is more to a great novel than just knowing the events of the plot.  On my second reading, I was profoundly moved.  The Scarlet Letter is a great novel about human sin, the guilt that it causes, and the costly redemption for the sinner and those affected by the sin that comes from confession. Read the rest of this entry »