Posts Tagged ‘gods’

            Chapter 6 is a short chapter that chiefly relates events in the palace the day before Psyche is to be offered to the god of the Mountain.  Its function is to carry forth the narrative and doesn’t offer much in the way of new insights.  Here are some brief thoughts. Read the rest of this entry »

            Chapter 5 begins a series of seven important chapters that will be central to understand Lewis’s Till We Have Faces.  In this chapter we have a crucial exposition of the ways of the goddess Ungit by her priest, an animated debate between the Priest of Ungit and the Fox, which is a dispute between religious mystery and human rationalism, and finally more evidence of the differences between the Fox and Orual over religion. Read the rest of this entry »

            Chapter 3 of Till We Have Faces related the increasing practice of worshipping Psyche.  In chapter 4 we begin to see the dangerous consequences of this worship.  We also see a more clearly negative side to Orual. Read the rest of this entry »

            Chapter 3 of C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces continues two important themes.  First, there is the increasing attribution of divinity to Psyche by word and worship.  Second, the discussion between the Fox and Orual concerning the gods takes a couple of interesting turns. Read the rest of this entry »

            This is the second in a series on C.S. Lewis’s novel Till We Have Faces (Faces).  The first piece stressed the importance of the title, the subtitle which states that Lewis is retelling a myth and finally the quotation from Shakespeare that concerns the relationship between love and conscience.  Now we’ll look at chapter one, which introduces the main characters and the setting, and very importantly, the narrative form of the novel. Read the rest of this entry »