Posts Tagged ‘Scriptures’

            In the first of this series, “Recognizing the Risen Lord,” I argued that the earliest disciples recognized Jesus as the risen Lord by identifying him with the crucified Christ.  I concluded that the fact that the risen Lord is the crucified Christ is a truth so radical that it challenges human religion, reason and politics and thus calls for a change in the human heart that only can come about by God’s grace.  In this post I want to discuss the need for God’s grace to affirm that the risen Lord is the crucified Christ.  The discussion will again center on Luke 24. Read the rest of this entry »

I’ll leave it to others to judge the historical accuracy of Hatfield & McCoys, the History Channel’s three-part miniseries portrayal of the infamous feud.  It includes many of the known facts.  Also, its scenery and costuming along with rough language and graphic violence are realistic.  As drama, it is well worth watching because it depicts the evils of family idolatry–something by which we conservative Christians can be tempted. Read the rest of this entry »