Posts Tagged ‘James Madison’

Donald Trump’s election is undoubtedly one of the most controversial in the history of American politics.  Out of the many criticisms that have been made I would like to address three: the potential for conflicts of interest because of Trump’s large and varied business enterprises, the injustice of the Electoral College, and finally his appeal to “angry white men.”  In examining these issues, it behooves us to rise above the biases of partisan politics and the immediate concerns, even legitimate ones specifically about Donald Trump, lest we miss the fundamental issues involved and their long-term consequences. Read the rest of this entry »

The Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision on June 6, 2015, which ruled that states may not prohibit same-sex marriages, has understandably caused grave concern among Christians who believe in the biblical view of marriage as a relationship only between members of the opposite sex.  Many wonder how this could have happened in what they have long considered to be a Christian country, and they are shocked to be branded as bigots for holding to a view of marriage that has held sway from time immemorial. Read the rest of this entry »