Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

Caché is a brilliant and uncomfortable film that does not entertain but is worth viewing and reviewing.  The 2005 French-language film is often described as a psychological thriller.  I’d say psychological mystery or suspense is a better description.  Caché, which means “hidden,” is the perfect title for this mental and moral teaser because the more this film uncovers the more is hidden until we are asking questions about our views of ourselves, our society, and reality itself.  Or is it just our reality? Read the rest of this entry »

The short answer is, “Go ahead, but read the book!”  However, the short answer is deceptively  simplistic.  The reality is that even when Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s most famous novel, Hollywood’s third, is at its worse it may be due to his desire to be faithful to the written work. Read the rest of this entry »