Posts Tagged ‘David’

The ancient Greeks tragedies saw all of man’s efforts overruled by cruel and blind fate.  Karl Marx said man was subject to economic determinism.  B.F. Skinner contended that human behavior was determined by genetics and environment.  For atheistic existentialists, like Sartre, the human condition is to be trapped in a meaningless universe from which there is no escape.   Both fairy tales and the Bible disagree. Read the rest of this entry »

      Skeptics rightly complain that Christians point to answered prayer as proof for the existence of God while ignoring the fact that many events happen contrary to those very prayers. 

      On the other hand, popular Christian slogans proclaim that faith works and prayer changes things.  Followers of the so-called “Health and Wealth Gospel” take these slogans to an extreme and contend that true faith ensures against suffering.  Hebrews 11 corrects both skeptical and Christian false ideas about faith. Read the rest of this entry »