Posts Tagged ‘Revelation’

The 2006 movie Stranger than Fiction is proof positive that the fantastic is able to explore the depths of reality, a subject that realism never seems to be able to grasp. Read the rest of this entry »

One of the pleasures of teaching at Cair Paravel Latin School, a classical Christian school, is that an old Ph.D. in theology with years of teaching experience far too numerous even to mention decently can learn new things in the most unexpected and unlikely places.  That serendipitous experience happened Thursday. As a relief from a faculty meeting’s business as usual, our two excellent art teachers gave us a brief lesson in still life drawing.  I not only learned a very practical lesson in drawing but also had a wide vista opened up to me of possible connections with geometry, philosophy, theology, history and other subjects. Read the rest of this entry »

            One of the challenges of a Christian aesthetic or theology of beauty is the cross of Christ.  Hymns, paintings and sculptures have its beauty as their subject.  Crosses are some of the most beautiful jewelry in the world, but how can such a brutal event as the crucifixion of Jesus be seen as beautiful?  Read the rest of this entry »

            When we consider the beautiful sky above, most of us are easily led to praise God the Creator. However in Psalm 19 David finds even more reason to praise God because of the law.  Read the rest of this entry »

            There is much to be concerned about in this typical election year of heated and superficial political vituperation that goes under the wholly misleading name of debate.  As a teacher at a Christian school, I am more troubled by the peculiar attraction that the militantly atheist writer Ayn Rand (1905-1982) holds for a number self-styled, right-wing libertarian Christians. Read the rest of this entry »