Archive for the ‘Psalms’ Category

            When we consider the beautiful sky above, most of us are easily led to praise God the Creator. However in Psalm 19 David finds even more reason to praise God because of the law.  Read the rest of this entry »

            A major reason for the contemporary church’s weak prayer life and spirituality is that we are infected with modernist individualism, which misleads us into believing that the corporate is opposed to the personal.  This is unbiblical.  By its context, structure and content Psalm 107 reveals a pattern for giving thanks to God that incorporates the personal into the whole life of the people of God. Read the rest of this entry »

            When things go wrong in society, the finger of blame is regularly and understandably pointed at the “crooked politicians.”  Corruption in high places does plague human societies, but it is not the main problem.  Psalm 146 clearly teaches that there is a more fundamental and tragic reason for political failure. Read the rest of this entry »

            Psalm 1:3 declares that the righteous who meditate on God’s word prosper in all that they do, whereas the wicked are blown away like chaff.  This sounds wonderful, but reality often contradicts it.  The wicked prosper and the righteous suffer.  Does Psalm 1 mislead us?  Is God’s word false? Read the rest of this entry »

            Psalm 126 helps us to deal with the disappointment of partially answered prayer, a challenge that we rarely discuss but regularly confront.  It does so by combining the seemingly contradictory actions of thanksgiving, lamentation and hope.  Read the rest of this entry »


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